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Siphon large

"Heals this card as it deals Attack damage to a creature."


Siphon heals the user when creatures are damaged by its attacks.

  • Siphon is a Damage-Dependent skill, which means it acts when the creature does attack damage to another creature.
  • Siphon only heals from attack damage, not damage from skills like Bolt, Poison, Scorch, or Vengeance.
  • Siphon cannot heal a creature over its maximum health.
  • The amount that Siphon can heal for is capped by its value or the amount of damage dealt in the attack, whichever is lower.
  • Siphon's acts before Vengeance damage is dealt.
  • If the creature's attack is prevented completely by ArmorBarrier, and/or Weaken, Siphon does not act.